Staff Member #1
Biography of instructor/staff member #1
This course provides students basic knowledges about data structures and algorithms for the design and development of algorithms to solve computation problems. After the course, students will understand basic data structures likes linked lists, stacks queues, trees, binary search trees, hash tables and will be able to apply these data structures flexibly to different computation problems. Students also understand fundamental algorithmic paradigms such as recursion, greedy, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming as well as different sorting algorithms and implement these algorithms to solve specific problems. Students will also be able to analyze the efficiency of algorithms in term of big-O notations.
-IT2110: Introduction to ICT
-IT3210: C Programming Language
Prior course: No
Paralell course: No
Biography of instructor/staff member #1
Biography of instructor/staff member #2
School of Information and Communication Technology
Xem website chính thức https://soict.hust.edu.vn để có thêm thông tin chi tiết.
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